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Hope, almost 6 months old!

The past couple of weeks have brought dramatic changes to our little Hope.  She has started sitting with us at the table (in her little high chair that attaches to the table), rolling over, giggling, grabbing at and holding things, drooling, and putting things in her mouth.  She is very aware of her surroundings, observing it all!

She has spent the last six months in my care, or in the care of her grandparents… but starting on Thursday, she will be joining her older sister at her small in-home daycare.  I’m so grateful that my in-laws have watched her for the past few months – she is such a sweet and tiny baby, and I’m glad she got so many cuddles while she was so small.  But she has become much more interactive and watches Norah constantly, so I think this transition to daycare comes at the perfect time.  She will absolutely adore being around the other kids.

She ate her first couple of bites of real food last night… sweet potatoes!  She seemed to like it.  We’ll be trying to feed her some food in the evenings from here on out.

She was such a good sleeper early on, but for the last few weeks she has been waking up every 2-4 hours again.  I’m sure she is in a growth spurt, and all these developmental changes have happened too… but it’s taking a toll on mama!  I’ve had a break from work for the holidays, but will be returning on Thursday.  Hence starting her on food — I’m hoping it may help her sleep longer???  We will likely also start her on one bottle of formula (given by daddy), late night, to also see if it helps her sleep longer.

She’s still our little nugget!  She weighs in around 12 pounds.


She remains to be considered “the happiest baby EVER,” not only by her adoring parents, but by just about everyone who meets her.  Just talk to her, and she will beam at you!  She literally wakes up happy.  I can only hope that she will always be like that!  What a great way to go through life, right?

December 31, 2013 Posted by | Just Life, Parenting | Leave a comment